Posts Tagged ‘ Leader ’


So all my old posts from my last blog successfully was transferred. I feel pretty relieved about that because I feel that I posted a few things that were truly heartfelt and meaningful.

Today, I had the privilege of listening to Elder Bateman give a lecture on Leadership on campus. It was a great and inspiring talk. I have to thank Saeko for dragging me to this event because I had no idea who was talking or on what exactly. Elder Bateman is in the presidency of the seventy and a former president of Brigham Young University. The key point of his talk was concerning leadership. He said that what is important in being a leader is summed up into 3 things.

  1. Be Trustworthy
  2. Have a vision
  3. Be able to communicate that vision

He talked about how Jesus was the perfect example of a leader. He was trustworthy, he never did or said that anything was contrary to what he believed. He had a vision. He knew where he was heading and nothing he did was contrary to that. And most importantly he was able to communicate his vision to his followers. This example shows how those 3 points can be applied to Christ himself. He was the perfect leader and there is much we can learn from him.

This really got me thinking about what kind of person I want to be and also the kind of person I need to be. Not only for myself but also for my family. I believe that we all need to have the qualities of a leader and I can do well to apply those 3 points into my own life.